The Alameda Deanery will conform to the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church and the Constitution and canons of the Diocese of California ("diocesan canons"). It acknowledges the authority of the General Convention of The Episcopal Church and of the general and special conventions (“Convention") of the Diocese of California. The following bylaws shall conform to the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church and of the Diocese of California, and in the event of any conflict between these bylaws and any of said Constitutions and Canons, the latter shall prevail.



The name of this Deanery is The Alameda Deanery of the Diocese of California ("the Deanery'). The geographical boundaries of the Deanery shall be as established in the diocesan canons. (Canons, Art. IX, $ 9.01)



The principal objectives of the Deanery are to develop and implement the policies and plans of the Diocesan Convention and Executive Council; to provide education for and participation in the governance of the Diocese; to provide leadership training and development; to aid communication between the Diocese and the congregations and institutions located in the Deanery; and to support ministries located in the Deanery. The Deanery may solicit dues and contributions from member parishes, missions and other Episcopal congregations, but shall not have the power of assessment except with respect to parishes, missions, and other congregations that have consented in writing to be assessed. Where consent has been so given, the terms of the writing shall control the nature and form of the assessment. The funds from any assessment or solicitation shall be used for administrative expenses, for outreach, and for other work of the Deanery. No part of such funds shall belong to or inure to the benefit of any of its members nor be used for pecuniary gain of any of its members or any other individual, provided that nothing shall prevent the Deanery from employing persons and compensating them for services rendered.



All Clerics serving congregations and institutions or who have been assigned by the Bishop to duties within the Deanery and all Delegates and alternates representing congregations within the Deanery shall be entitled to a vote. All other Clerics canonically resident in the Diocese and residing in the Deanery, all communicants in good standing of The Episcopal Church registered in a congregation in the Deanery, and all representatives of Episcopal institutions located in the Deanery, shall have seat and voice but not vote. Each parish in the Deanery is encouraged to ensure there is clergy representation at Deanery meetings.



1. The officers of the Alameda Deanery shall be a president, a vice president, a secretary and a treasurer. These officers with the addition of the two Alameda Deanery Diocesan Executive Council representatives constitute the Alameda Deanery Executive Committee.

2. The president and vice president shall be elected from any clerical or lay members of a congregation of the Deanery at the first regular Convocation of the Deanery following the annual Diocesan Convention, which shall be designated as the Annual Convocation, by a majority vote of all members present at the Convocation having the right to seat and vote. The treasurer and secretary shall be appointed by the Deanery Executive Committee. Such appointees will be confirmed at the following Deanery Convocation and shall take office immediately following their confirmation.

3. The term of office of all elected officers shall be for two years or until a successor is elected. They may be elected to a second term in that office. They may not be then reelected for another term to that office until a period of one year has passed since they last held the position. The term of office of treasurers and secretaries shall be two years, and they may be reappointed.

4. A vacancy that occurs in any elective office other than Deanery Representative to the Diocesan Executive Council or Deanery Representative to the Diocesan Nominating Committee shall be filled by the Deanery Executive Committee and confirmed at the following Deanery Convocation.

5. The responsibilities and duties of the president shall be

a. To preside at all Convocations of the Deanery.

b. To preside at all meetings of the Deanery Executive Committee.

c. To make an annual report to the Convocation and such other reports as may be required: and

d. To fulfill such other responsibilities and duties as shall be prescribed for a Deanery president by diocesan canons or these bylaws.

e. To participate in the Deanery Coordinating Committee.

f. To appoint a nominating committee and any other ad hoc committees as needed to carry out the work of the Deanery.

6. The responsibilities of the vice president shall be

a. To assume any responsibilities and duties delegated to him/her by the president; and

b. To preside at Convocations and meetings of the Deanery Executive Committee in the absence of the president, and to preform the other duties of the president specified in these bylaws in the absence of the president.

c. To participate in the Deanery Coordinating Committee.

7. The Responsibilities and duties of the secretary shall be

a. To record, transcribe and make timely distribution of the minutes of all Convocations and of all meetings of the Deanery Executive Committee.

b. To handle correspondence and perform other secretarial duties as needed.

8. The responsibilities of the treasurer shall be

a. To act as the Deanery's chief financial officer and to handle all its financial matters.

b. To set up proper procedures for the safekeeping and accounting of the funds of the Deanery, and to maintain proper records and books of account; and

c. To report regularly to the Convocation and the Deanery Executive Committee on the conditions and disposition of the funds of the Deanery.



1. Deanery representative sot he Diocesan Executive Council shall be elected at the annual convocation in accordance with diocesan canons, provided, however, that elections for such representatives may be held at such earlier or later times as may be required to assure that such representatives shall be seated at the first meeting of Executive Council for the new term. Such representatives shall be Clerics canonically resident in the Diocese and residing in the Deanery or good communicants in good standing of the Episcopal Church registered in a congregation in the Deanery and qualified members of the Deanery as defined in Article IV of these bylaws. Approximately one-half of the Deanery Representatives to Executive Council shall be elected at each Annual Convocation for a three year term. No elected representative who has served all or more than half of his or her term shall be eligible for re-election for a period of one year after the eexpiration thereof. At least one of the representatives shall be a lay person.

2. The Deanery Representatives to the Diocesan Executive Council shall attend Executive Council meetings regularly, report the views and positions of the Deanery Executive Committee and Convocations to Executive Council, and provide reports of Council meetings at each meeting of the Deanery Executive Committee and each Deanery Convocation.

3. A vacancy may be declared by the Deanery Executive Committee if an elected representative is absent without cause from three consecutive regular meetings of Executive Council or from one-half of the regular meetings of Executive Council in any six-month period. Vacancies in either clerical or lay representatives to Executive Council shall be filled by election at the next succeeding Convocation.

4. The Deanery Executive Committee shall appoint representatives from this Deanery to each Diocesan department and to such other Diocesan organizations as may require or provide for representative from the Deaneries. Such appointments shall generally be made at or immediately following the Annual Convocation and shall be for a term of one year. Department representatives may be appointed for successive terms. The Deanery Executive Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy at any time concurring. Department representatives shall report regularly to the Deanery Executive Committee and to Deanery Convocations on all matters of their respective departments, particularly those affecting this Deanery, and shall be responsible for presenting to their respective departments the concerns of this Deanery within the jurisdictions of those departments.

5. Deanery Representatives to the Diocesan Executive Council, to Departments, and to any other Diocesan bodies shall also be responsible for working with the delegation chairperson for each Parish and Mission on the implementation of Diocesan programs.



1. Two representatives to the Committee on Nominations ("Nominations Committee Representatives") shall be elected for a term of one year at each Annual Convocation in accordance with diocesan canons, provided, however, that elections for such representatives may be held at such earlier or later times as may be required to assure that such representatives shall be seated at the first meeting of the Committee on Nominations in the following calendar year. One such representative shall be a Cleric canonically resident in the Diocese and residing in the Deanery, and the other shall be a communicant in good standing of the Episcopal Church registered in a congregation in the Deanery. Both shall be qualified members of the Deanery as defined in Article IV of these bylaws. No member may serve as a Nominations Committee Representative for more than four consecutive years.

2. The Nominations Committee Representatives shall attend Committee on Nominations meetings regularly, report the views and positions of the Deanery Executive Committee and Convocations to it, and suggest qualified and interested Clerics and lay persons in this Deanery willing to serve in the offices and positions to which the Committee on Nominations may make nominations. It shall provide reports of the Committee on Nominations meetings and activities at each Convocation and, at the Deanery Executive Committee's request, at any meeting of the Deanery Executive Committee.

3. A Vacancy may be declared by the Deanery Executive Committee if an elected representative is absent without cause from three consecutive regular meetings of the Committee on Nominations or from one-half of the regular meetings in a six-month period.



1. There shall be four regular Convocations of the Deanery each year. One of these shall be designated the Annual Convocation and shall be the first Convocation held after the Annual Diocesan convention. Officers of the Deanery, Deanery Representatives to Executive Council, and the Deanery's members on the Committee on Nominations shall be elected at this Convocation.

2. Representation by a majority of parishes and missions in the Deanery constitutes a quorum.

3. The Convocation shall be the representative body of the Deanery and shall have the following functions:

a. To serve as the legislative and policy forming body on behalf of the Deanery.

b. To take action on an ongoing basis to implement the purposes enumerated in Article III of these bylaws.

c. To implement Diocesan programs and programs adopted by the Convocation.

d. To develop and formulate Deanery programs to be implemented under the direction and supervision of the Deanery Executive Committee.

e. To elect Deanery officers and representatives to the Diocesan Executive Council and the Diocesan Nominating Committee.

f. To inform Executive Council of the Deaneries' reaction to Diocesan programs, budget, and resolutions and to inform all persons in the Deanery concerning the same.

g. To submit to Diocesan Convention such proposals and recommendations which to the Convocation may seem appropriate and proper.

4. The Rector, Vicar, Priest in Charge, Interim, or the person with the Ecclesiastical Authority of a member congregation is the only person who can appoint persons to fill that congregation's delegate vacancies. It is the responsibility of the parish to inform the Committee of its delegates and alternates and their contact information immediately following their election.



1. The Deanery Executive Committee shall hold meetings as frequently as needed, as established during a prior Deanery Executive Committee meeting, at the call of the president, or at the written request to the president by two of the Deanery Executive Committee members, and shall have the power

a. To exercise general supervision of the affairs of the Deanery between Convocations, subject to the limitations and restrictions provided by these bylaws, the Deanery Convocation, and diocesan canons. The Deanery Executive Committee shall be subject to the orders of the Convocation, and none of its acts shall conflict with action taken by the Convocation.

b. To recommend financial budgets to the Convocation and to supervise receipts and expenditures of the Deanery.

c. To develop and recommend proposed Deanery programs to an appropriate Deanery Convocation.

d. To fix the time and place of Deanery Convocations and meetings of the Deanery Executive Committee.

e. To appoint representatives from the Deanery to Diocesan Departments, Divisions, Commissions and other such functional groups.

f. To perform such other duties as are specified in these bylaws or may be requested of it by resolution of the Deanery Convocation.

g. To facilitate the selection of the deanery youth Representative to Diocesan Convention.

2. When the date and time of a future meeting is not adopted during a prior Deanery Executive Committee meeting, at least twenty-four (24) hours' notice of a meeting of the Deanery Executive Committee shall be given to Deanery Executive Committee members. Such notice may be personal, by telephone or fax, by overnight mail, or by email to the last known telephone or fax number, address,or email address, respectively. Service is effective at the time of transmittal.



The rules contained in the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Deanery in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Deanery may adopt.



These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of those present and entitled to vote at any Convocation, provided that written notification thirty (30) days prior to such vote has been made to the congregations