Meeting Minutes
Alameda Deanery Convocation Minutes
Thursday, Sept. 14, 2023
Zoom Meeting ID: 510 593 7981
32 participants
President Robin Henke opened the meeting at 6:02 p.m. and the Rev. Jim Dahlin gave the opening prayer.
The convocation passed the consent agenda of the June minutes and the financial report. The Executive Council report was given later in the meeting. Don Miller reported that the Diocesan Nominations Committee has candidates for all openings at the Diocesan Convention.
The Deanery still needs a vice-president.
Grant reports from the 2022 grantees are due by Nov. 1
Laura Goble, visiting from the Peninsula Deanery, asked for more information on the grant program and was directed to the material on our Web site.
Don Miller gave an update on the Bishop search process. He said a preliminary slate will be announced Sept. 22, and Oct. 2 will be the deadline for petitions for additional candidates. The final slate will be announced Oct. 27. Dates for the five in-person meet-and-greets (the sessions also will be live-streamed and recorded) and other details will be on the Web site ( by Oct. 1.
Youth representative Kiandra Wilson Morris from St. Paul’s, Oakland, was introduced. Brother Richard Edward pointed out that the Deanery is allowed up to five youth delegates plus one alternate for the Diocesan convention, which is held the last weekend in October.
Jeanette Dinwiddie-Moore discussed Resolution 2, which calls for the Diocese to urge safe and secure gun storage practices. She pointed out that the Bay Area has the second highest gun death rate in the state, behind Los Angeles. She said more people die from guns than cars, with guns being the leading cause of death among children and teens. The resolution asks that we spread information about safe and secure gun practices, and that every school district ask parents and guardians to commit to safe and secure gun practices. Later, the deanery voted unanimously to support the resolution.
Joseph Dashiell and Emily Hopkins spoke about Resolution 3, which concerns 12 themes for the Diocesan contingent to take to the National Convention to address. For details, see ( Readers are asked to think about the themes and write a comment on the website or contact Joseph or Emily.
Resolution 4 is to add author, civil rights activist and Christian witness Howard Thurman to the Episcopal church calendar. It takes two general conventions to add another person to the calendar.
In addition to the above resolutions, there are a few resolutions to change the Diocesan Canons, including that:
Lay members of Standing Committee and Executive Council are ex officio delegates to Diocesan convention.
Certification for anti-racism training required of clergy and convention delegates.
Changes in reference numbering and lettering
Special rules for electing the Ninth Bishop
Bruce Morrow from the Executive Council reported that the Diocesan chief financial officer says the diocese is financially stable with net income up over $1 million and about 60 percent of parishes reporting increased income. The Diocese has $21 million in cash and $86 million in other assets. The council also appointed six regional (deanery) deans and will meet again next week after having no meeting in August.
Church news:
Paula Hawthoorn (St. Paul’s, Oakland) said the Guns to Gardens gun buy-back is set for Nov. 18 at Mt. Zion Baptist Church. See for details.
Lilah Greene said the next EFM (Education for Ministry) season starts Wednesday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Bruce Morrow pointed out that Sept. 30 is the deadline to apply for assessment relief. Applications are on the Diocal website.
The meeting adjourned at 7:08 p.m.
Actas de la Convocación del Deanato Alameda
Jueves, el 14 de Sept.
Reunión Zoom ID: 510 593 7981
32 participantes
Presidenta Robin Henke abrió la reunión las 6:02 p.m. y el Redo. Jim Dahlin ofreció la
oración de apertura.
La convocación pasó la agenda consentimiento de las actas de junio y el informe de
finanzas. El informe del Concilio Ejecutivo se dío más tarde en la reunión. Don Miller
reportó que el Comité Diocesano Nominaciones tiene candidatos para todas las
posiciones en a Convención Diocesano.
* El Deanato todavía necesita un Vice Presidente
* Informes de beccas de recipientes 2022 están requerido por el 1 de Nov.
Laura Goble, visitando del Deanato Peninsula, pidió más información sobre el
programa de becas y se dirigido a los materiales en nuestro sitio web.
Don Miller dío información corriente sobre el proceso buscar un obispo. Él dijo que
una lista preliminar se anunciará el 22 de Sept., y el 2 de Oct estará la fecha final para
peticiones para candidatos adicionales. La lista final se anunciará el 27 de Oct. Fechas
para los cinco (sesiones) encontrar-y-saludar en-persona (las sesiones estarán enviado
en vivo y grabado) y otros detalles estarán en el sitio web ( ) por
el 1 de Oct.
La representante de jovenes Kiandra Wilson de San Pablo, Oakland, se introdujo.
Hermano Richard Edward dijo que el Deanato se permite hast cinco delegados jovenes
mas uno alternative para la convención Diocesano, que se conduce la fin de semana
en Octubre.
Jeanette Dinwiddie-Moore explicó Resolución 2, que llama par la Diócesis urgir
prácticas seguras almacenamiento de armas. Ella señaló que el Área de la Bahia
tiene la segunda tasa más alta de muertes en el estado, detrás de Los Ángeles. Dijo
que mueren más personas por armas que por automóviles, y que las armas son la
causa primaria de muerte entre los niños y jóvenes. La resolución pide que
compartimos información sobre las prácticas seguras de almacenamiento de armas, y
que cada distrito escolar pide los padres y guardianes compromete a las prácticas
seguras de almacenamiento. Más tarde el deanato voto unánimemente apoyar la
Joseph Dashiell y Emily Hopkins hablaron sobre Resolución 3, que trata 12 temas
para el contingente Diocesano llevar a la Convención Nacional para tratar. Para
detalles, mire (
the-81st-general-convention/ ). Lectores se pidieron pensar sobre los temas y
escribir un comenta en el sitio web, o contactar a Joseph o a Emily.
Resolución 4 está añadir autor, activista de derechos civiles y testigo cristiano
Howard Thurman al calendario de la Iglesia Episcopal.
En adición a las resoluciones arriba, hay pocas resoluciones cambiar a los
Cánones Diocesanos, incluyendo que:
* Miembros laicos del Comité Permanente y el Concilio Ejecutivo están
delegados ex oficios a la convención Diocesana.
* Certificación para entrenamiento antirracismo se require de los clérigos
y delegados a la convención.
* Cambios en referencia numeración y las letras
* Reglas especiales para elegir el Obispo Novena
Bruce Morrow del Concilio Ejecutivo reportó que el oficial jefe de finanzas dijo
que la diócesis está estable en finanzas con un un ingreso final hasta más que
$1 millón y casi 60 porciento de las parroquias reportando in crecimiento en
ingreso. La Diócesis tiene $21 Millón en efectivo y $86 Millón en otros recursos.
El Concilio también apuntó seis decanos regionales (deanato) y reunirá otra vez
la semana próxima, teniendo ninguna reunión en agosto
Noticias de iglesias:
* Paula Hawthoorn (San Pablo, Oakland) dijo que recompra Armas a Jardines
está programada para el 18 de noviembre en a Iglesia Bautista Monte Zión.
Mira a para detalles.
* Lila Greene dijo que la próxima estación EFM (Educación para el Ministerio)
empieza miercoles de 6 al 8:30 p.m. en Zoom.
* Bruce Morrow indicó que el 30 de Sept. está la fecha final aplicar para la
aliviación de amillarmientos. Aplicaciones estrena en el sitio web DioCal.
La reunión terminó a las 7:08 p.m.
Alameda Deanery Convocation Minutes
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Zoom Meeting ID: 510 593 7981
29 participants
President Robin Henke opened the meeting late at 6:10 p.m. due to a problem with the link.
The Rev. Will Scott led the opening prayer.
The consent agenda, including the minutes and finance report, were accepted unanimously.
Diocesan Nominations Committee Report: Don Miller reported that nominations for Diocesan open seats are due by July 29. Contact Don or Carolyn George with any questions. The Diocesan Nominations Committee meets via Zoom every third Tuesday of the month, except for August.
Deanery Grants: The group voted 22 to 4 abstentions to approve the list of applicants from Treasurer Lilah Greene. The list of applicants is in the document in the website file for this meeting. (After the meeting, it turned out All Souls, Berkeley had submitted its application in time, and was added to the list).
Regional Dean (Alameda Deanery): The Rev. Bruce O’Neill, who has been rector at St. Clement’s in Berkeley for 26 years, has been appointed by the Bishop to this new post. He reported that these positions were first discussed by the Diocesan Standing Committee over two years ago. His role is to serve as a liaison between leadership and to support clergy families and wellness. So far, that has included sharing information with the community about the recent death of the Rev. Anne Jensen and working with the Rev. Merry Chan Ong at Our Saviour in Oakland, which has suffered a fire and vandalism. David Mundy of St. John’s in Oakland said the church wants to make a gift from its discretionary fund to help with graffiti clean-up. Robin Henke added that the Deanery will include a place on every agenda for the Dean.
Bishop Search: Deanery presidents met at the Cathedral on a recent Saturday to discuss the deaneries’ role in the search. All parishes need to report their delegates to Convention and the Bishop’s election by mid-September (30 days before convention). All delegates are urged to take the anti-racism training (a 6-hour computer course that can be done at your own pace). Meet and greets with the Bishop candidates will be scheduled to occur throughout the Diocese. Hosts will be asked to provide a meal for the candidates and the Search Committee. It is preferable that host churches have as many separate meeting areas as there are candidates, as well as parking. Nominees are to be announced Sept. 22, with the meet and greets Nov. 2-5. All of the meet and greets are open to all. The election will be Dec. 2. Both the annual Convention in October and the special convention for electing the new Bishop will be in-person events.
Parish Check-Ins:
The Rev. Merry Ong Chan gave thanks for support and donations to Our Saviour. She reported that insurance covered some of the damage but not all. Repairs won’t be completed for five to seven months. The congregation is still grieving but is conducting services on Zoom.
St. Augustine’s will host its first Juneteenth Celebration at 1 p.m. on June 17.
St. Alban’s will host a joint Father’s Day/Juneteenth Celebration concert (with singalong) June 18.
St. Mark’s choir is going on its sixth tour to England June 30.
St. Paul’s in Oakland is hosting its Guns to Gardens event tomorrow.
Christ the Lord in Pinole is offering a summer study of racism and the Episcopal church over Zoom.
Leadership at Santiago-St. James in Oakland is changing with the Rev. Liz Munoz retiring after Labor Day.
The Rev. Merry Ong Chan gave the closing prayer.
The meeting ended at 7:03 p.m.
Actas de la Convocación del Deanato Alameda
Jueves el 8 de junio de 2023
Reunión Zoom ID: 510 593 7981
29 participantes
La Presidenta Robin Henke abrió la reunión tarde a las 6:10 p.m. como resultado del problema con el enlace.
El Redo. Will Scott condujo la oración de apertura.
La agenda de acuerdo, incluyendo actas y informe de finanzas, fueron aceptados unánimemente.
Informe del Comité Diocesano sobre Nominaciones: Don Miller reportó que las nominaciones para asientos diocesanos abertos vencen el 29 de julio. Contactar a Don o Carolyn George con cualquiera preguntas. El Comité Diocesano sobre Nominaciones reuné en Zoom cada tercer martes del mes, falta en agosto.
Beccas Deanatas: El grupo votó 22 a 4 abstenciones aprobar la list ad applicants de la Tesorera Lilah Greene. La list de applicants está en el documento en la carpeta para este reunión el sitio web. (Después de la reunión, se descurió que Todas las Almas, Berkeley, había sometido su aplicación a tiempo, y se añadido a la lista.)
Decano Regional (Deanato Alameda): El Redo. Bruce O’Neill, quien ha sido rector en San Clemente en Berkeley para 26 años, ha sido apuntado por el Obispo a esta posición nueva. Él reportó que esas posiciones fueron discutidos primeramente por el Comité Permanente Diocesano más que dos años pasado. Su rol es servir como una coordinación entre el liderazgo y apoyar las familias clérigos y su bienestar. Hasta ahora, ese ha incluido compartir información con la comunidad sobre la muerte reciente de la Reda. Anne Jensen y trabajar con la Reda. Merry Chan Ong en Nuestro Salvador en Oakland, que ha sufrido un incendio y vandalismo. David Mundy de San Juan Oakland dijo que la iglesia quiere hacer un regalo del fondo discresionário para ayudar con la limpieza del “graffiti.” Robin Henke añadió que el Deanato incluirá un lugar en cada agenda para el Decano.
Búsqueda para un obispo: Los presidentes de los deanatos reunieron en a Catedral en un sábado reciente para discutir el rol de deanatos en la búsqueda. Todas las parroquias necesitan reportar sus delegados a la Convención y la elección del obispo por el medio de septiembre (30 días antes de la convención) Todos los delegado se urgen tomar el entrenamiento anti-raicismo (un curso de 6 horas por computadora que se puede hacer en su propia velocidad). Encuentros y saludos con los candidatos al obispado sea arreglado ocurrir alrededor de la Diócesis. Los hospederos se espera proveer una comida para los candidatos y el Comité Búsqueda. Está preferible que las iglesias hospederas tienen la cantidad de áreas separadas como están el numero de candidatos, como también estacionamiento. Los candidatos se anunciaron el 22 de Sept., con los encuentros y saludos los 2-5 Nov. La elección estará el 2 de Dic. Ambas la Convención anual en Octubre y la convención especial para elegir el obispo nuevo estarán eventos en persona.
Los Registros Parroquiales:
*La Reda. Merry Chan Ong dio gracias para el apoyo y donaciones a Nuestro Salvador. Ella reportó
que seguro cubrió alguno del daño pero no todo. Reparación no sea completo para cinco a siete meses.
La congregación todavía lastima pero conduce servicios en Zoom.
*San Agustín tendrá su “Celebración Juneteenth” a la 1 p.m. en el 17 de Junio.
*San Alban tendrá un concierto junto el Día de los Padres/Celebración Juneteenth (con cantando
conjunto) el 18 de Junio.
*El coro de San Marcos va en su turno sexto a Inglaterra el 30 de Junio.
* San Pablo en Oakland tendrá su “Armas a Jardines” evento mañana.
*Cristo el Señor en Pinole ofrece un estudio Zoom de Raicismo y la Iglesia Episcopal
*El liderazgo en Santiago-St. James en Oakland está cambiando con la jubilación de la Reda. Liz
Muñoz después del Día de Labor.
La Reda. Merry Chan Ong ofreció la oración final.
La reunión termino a las 7:03 p.m.
March Meeting Minutes 2023
Alameda Deanery Convocation Minutes
Thursday, March 9, 2023, Zoom Meeting ID: 510 593 7981
31 participants
President Robin Henke called the meeting to order at 6 pm. The Rev. Lois Williams gave the opening prayer.
Robin welcomed new representatives just elected to Deanery as well as returning representatives. Secretary Sandy Burnett referred newbies to the FAQs located on the Deanery website to get all the basic information about the Deanery and their responsibilities.
Bruce Morrow, representative from the Deanery to the Diocesan Executive Council, said the council is trying to be more transparent in helping congregations understand the diocesan budgeting processes. One idea is to poll the congregations about their funding priorities for the diocese. Bruce would share these priorities with the diocesan budget and finance committees. Pam Kruse-Buckingham asked about the diocese trying to develop an assessment equation that better reflects what a congregation can afford. Currently, the assessment formula is based on what a church spent the year before last. This created a hardship for some when Covid suddenly reduced income. Pam also asked for calculations on what the diocese pays to the national church, and whether parishes and the diocese are being assessed on government Covid assistance (PPE) funds.
actas de reuniones
Actas de la Convocación del Deanato de Alameda
Jueves, el 9 de marzo de 2023 ID de Reunión Zoom: 510 593 7981
31 participantes
La Presidenta Robin Henke llamó la reunión a orden a las 6 p.m. La Reda. Lois Williams presentó la oración de apertura.
Robin dió bienvenida a las representantes recién elegido al Deanato, y también a los representantes regresando. La Secretaria Sand Burnett referió los nuevos a los FAQ’s ubicado en el sitio web del Deanato para obtener toda la información básica sobre el Deanato y sus responsabildades.
Bruce Morrow, representative del Deanato al Concilio Ejecutivo Diocesano, dijo que el Concilio está probando estar más transparente en ayudar a las congregaciones para entender a los procesos presupuestos. Una idea esta escrutar [pedir] de las congregaciones sobre sus prioridades para la diócesis. Bruce compartiría esas prioridades con los comités diocesanos sobre el presupuesto y finanzas. Pam Kruse-Buckingham preguntó sobre la Diócesis probando desarrollar una ecuación amillaramienta que refleja mejor lo que una congregación puede proporcionar. Actualmente, el formulario amillaramiento se base en que una iglesia gastó el año antes del último. Ese creó una dificultad [privación] para algunas cuando COVID sin esperarse redujo su ingreso. Pam también, pidió las calcinaciones en que la Diócesis paga a la iglesia nacional, y si las parroquias y la Diócesis se amillara en el asistencia de fondos COVID del gobierno (PPE).
Las actas de noviembre, el informe del concilio ejecutivo, y el informe de finanzas se aceptaron unánimemente.
El Proyecto ReStart
Pam introdujo a Mark Dibelka, Misionero para resiliencia desastre en a Diócesis de California Norte, quien empezó ReStart en 2021 para proveer recursos para el pueblo dislocado por desastres mayores quienes mueven a casas nuevas. El programa involucra iglesias que se ofrecen llenar cajas de 27 galones. Cada contenedor está una “sala en una caja” para una familia de cuatro. ReStart provee la lista de compras para cada caja para la cocina, los recamaras, los baños. Se cuesta casi $120 para llenar un tote [caja]. Cada parroquia compromete crear y guardar 10 totes, todos del mismo tipo de cuarto. Sandy Burnette, de San Alban dijo que so parroquia tiene espacio suficiente en su sótano si otras congregaciones no tienen espacio. Mark dijo que su diócesis proveería rótulos para las cajas, tarjetas salutaciones y sobres. Él surgió que las congregaciones tienen una hoja para listar el pueblo quienes ofrece comprar cosas, y entonces planeas una “fiesta llenar,” quizá incluyendo miembros de otras organizaciones como los Scouts, o AA, para ayudar. Jan Robitscher dijo que a Diócesis tiene un Comité Estado de Preparación Desastre y Respuesta. Pam, nuestra representante deanato a ese comité dijo que él esta hablando de ReStart pero individuos tienen bienvenido conversar sobre él con ella and cualquiera tiempo.
Búsqueda para un Obispo
Brenda Paulin, co-jefe del Comité Búsqueda para un Obispo y Transición, dijo ells espera tener un perfil publicado por el 17 de abril. La elección estar a el 2 de dic y 3, y require asistencia en persona. Las fechas de reuniones con los candidatos estará anunciado. Todas las fechas y lineas del tiempo están en en sitio web DioCal.
Convención Diocesana
La Convention 174 de la Diócesis de California estará los 27-28 de oct., en persona (no Zoom) en la Catedral. La Diócesis actualmente distribue la información sobre como preparar y manejar resoluciones para irse a la convención. Esa información también esta en el sitio web DioCal.
El Ministerio Jóvenes Alameda
Susan Ginsky dijo que los lideres del ministerio jóvenes en el deanato se reúne y plane events abierto a los jóvenes de iglesias en el deanato, incluyendo ellas que no tienen ministerios jóvenes separados. Lideres de San Pablo, San Juan, Todos las Almas, Iglesia Cristo, y San Agustín prueban construir un comunidad joven para el pueblo de edad-escuela de media- a secundaria al través las parroquias. Hasta ahora, actividades incluyen una carta de noticias mensuales, un evento sobre la noche y día de trabajo en San Pablo, y una peregrenación jóvenes. Mire a noticia pegado.
Debidos y Becas
la tesorera Lilah Greene enviará los protocolos para becas diocesanos con los dichos de debidos por el 1 de abril, aãdiendo que $10,000 esta disponible actualmente para becas de 2023. El tiempo debido para las aplicaciones para las becas está el 31 de mayo, y estaba aprobado en la reunión de la convocación del deanato en el 8 de junio.
Eventos Parroquiales
* Paula Hawthorn de San Pablo anunció un evento Armas a Jardines para el
10 de junio en Oakland del Este. Eventos previos han sacado muchas
armas de las calles.
* San Marcos tiene un cantar-conjunto “himnaton” para cantar el himnario [en
inglés] entero para levantar dinero para becas todo el día 18 de marzo.
* San Marco también está conduciendo Evensong
* El centro calentar en la Iglesia Cristo, Alameda, ahora está abierto siete días
por semana.
La reunión concluyó a las 7:35 p.m.
The November 2022 minutes, executive council report and financial report were unanimously accepted.
Project ReStart
Pam introduced Mark Dibelka, missioner for disaster resilience in the Diocese of Northern California, who started ReStart in 2021 to provide resources for people displaced by major disasters who are moving into new homes. The program involves churches volunteering to equip 27-gallon tote boxes. Each container is a “room in a box” for a family of four. ReStart provides the shopping list for each box for kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms. It costs about $120 to fill a bin. Each parish commits to creating and storing 10 totes, all of the same room type. Sandy Burnett from St. Alban’s said her church has ample storage space in its basement if other congregations don’t have room. Mark said his diocese would provide stickers for the boxes, greeting cards and envelopes. He suggested that congregations have a sign-up sheet for people who volunteer to purchase items, and then schedule a “packing party,” perhaps including members of other organization like the scouts, or AA, to help out. Jan Robitscher pointed out that the Diocese of California has a Disaster Preparedness and Response Committee. Pam, our deanery’s representative to that committee, said it is discussing ReStart but individuals are welcome to discuss it with her any time.
Bishop’s Search
Brenda Paulin, co-chair of the Bishop’s Search and Transition Committee, said she expects to have a profile published by April 17. The election will be Dec. 2 and 3 and requires in-person attendance. Meeting dates with candidates will be announced. All dates and timelines currently available are on the DioCal website.
Diocesan Convention
The 174th Convention of the Diocese of California will be Oct. 27-28, in-person (not Zoom) at the Cathedral. The Diocese currently is distributing information about how to prepare and process resolutions to come to convention. This information also is on the DioCal website.
Alameda Youth Ministry
Susan Ginsky said youth ministry leaders in the deanery are meeting and planning events open to youth from churches throughout the deanery, including those that don’t have separate youth ministries. Leaders from St. Paul’s, St. John’s, All Souls, Christ Church and St. Augustine’s are trying to build a kid’s community for middle- through high school-age people across parishes. So far, activities include a monthly newsletter, a sleepover and workday at St. Paul’s, and an upcoming Youth Pilgrimage. See attached flier.
Dues and grants
Treasurer Lilah Greene send she will send out the diocesan grant protocols with dues statements by April 1, adding that $10,000 is currently available for 2023 grants. Grant applications are due by May 31, and will be approved at the June 13 deanery convocation.
Parish Events
Paula Hawthorn from St. Paul’s announced a Guns to Garden event for June 10 in East Oakland. Previous events have taken many guns off the street.
St. Mark’s is having a sing-along “hymnathon” to sing the entire hymnal and raise money for scholarships all day March 18.
St. Mark’s also is hosting Evensong
The warming center at Christ Church Alameda is now open seven days a week.
The meeting concluded at 7:35 pm
Meeting Minutes Corrections
Alameda Deanery Convocation, Nov. 10, 2022
22 participants during Zoom meeting
6:03 p.m. Welcome and Consent agenda
President Robin Henke opened the meeting followed by an opening prayer led by the Rev. Jon Owens. The agenda and September minutes were accepted. Treasurer Lilah Green reported that all but two churches paid deanery dues for 2022 and that the Diocesan contribution has increased. Bruce Morrow gave the Diocesan Executive Council report, welcoming Carolyn George, past Alameda Deanery vice-president, as the new at-large representative to the council. The council also agreed to set up a task force to develop sensitivity training around disability issues for clergy and staff. They are seeking a $150,000 grant for fire abatement at St. Dorothy’s Rest. Written financial and Executive Council reports are on the deanery website.
Convention review
The Rev. Jon Owens reported that all four resolutions, which called for task forces on:
pilgrimage, female priest
youth and adult ministry
Disability sensitivity training
clergy housing
finances and assessments. Don Miller pointed out that will involved checking with other dioceses about best practices, and that any changes have to start early in the calendar year with the Finance Committee. He noted that some East Coast dioceses collect lower assessments, but also don’t offer assessment relief. Bruce Morrow said our Diocese provided some $800,000 in assessment relief this year. Rev. Jon said assessments are currently the Diocese’s highest income source, so any cuts would result in cuts to Diocesan services. The Rev. Krista Fregoso said because assessments are based on parish finances two years before, parishes that suffered serious income declines during Covid had a hard time paying.
We still need a vice president. Duties are to liaison with Deanery Coordinating Committee, standing in for the president during an absence, meeting with the rest of the deanery executives to plan meetings. In the past, Carolyn George also has created five talking points from the meeting, but that can be done by others.
Diocesan Executive Council representatives. Jon Owens is off the council. The Rev. Will Scott from Christ Church Alameda was elected to fill the vacancy.
Grants: If we haven’t received any applications by deadline, shall we roll over money to next year, when grant applications will be due a year from now?
No applications have been received for the second round of grants (earlier grants were distributed in June). Lilah suggested rolling over the funds into the 2023 grant cycle, and that it would make sense to go back to having a single grant period with one deadline. Don Miller suggested that we send out the grant proposal information to all three of our mailing lists (representatives, clergy, parish administrators) in March with a deadline in June, so the funds could be distributed in the fall. Carolyn George made a motion to that effect, seconded by the Rev. Corrie Lassen. The motion was adopted with instructions for Lilah to send out the proposal info with the 2023 deanery dues requests. The grant protocol is always on the Deanery website.
Lilah also will send out reminders that June, 2022 grant recipients are committed to sending in brief reports by the end of November about how the grants were used.
What would you like to have next year at Deanery?
The selection process for the new bishop is an ongoing topic. The Diocese has scheduled several listening sessions, some in-person and some on Zoom. Brenda Paulin, who is on the search committee, will help keep us up to date.
John Brennan suggested that there be a standing place on the Deanery agenda for parishes to bring up particular issues, or to seek support or advice from other parishes. He said all of us are in the position to share challenges and solutions. For instance, St. John’s has solar panels and several other churches are interested in learning more about it.
The previous conversation led to a discussion about being able to not only share information, but also to join in bulk purchases, negotiating better rates for services and possibly sharing sextons. Carolyn George pointed out that in the past, the Deanery has brought in information about alternatives for insurance and for renting out space.
Update on Targeted Violence
Pam Kruse-Buckingham (St. Paul’s) shared that a screen presentation on preventing targeted violence is available from the diocese at She suggested that someone from each parish reach out to local first responders for information. The Diocese, which is working on a diocesan response plan, also is requesting names and contact information for two or three people from each parish.
A part of the overall disaster preparedness plan is for parishes to make and store boxes of household supplies for displaced families, based on Project (Re)Start in the Diocese of Northern California. Information can be send to Pam at,
Parish check-ins
St. Alban’s is holding its annual Yuletide tea, after a two-year Covid hiatus, the first Sunday in December.
Teresa from Christ Church said they hope to serve 580 people at the annual Thanksgiving meal.
Parishioners at Christ the Lord in Pinole are getting boosters after both the priest and senior warden came down with Covid.
7:06 Closing prayer: The Rev. Bruce O'Neill
*Please submit your questions via the Zoom chat or by texting 510-593-7981
2023 Deanery Events
March Deanery Convocation: March 9, 2023
June Deanery Convocation: June 8, 2023
September Deanery Convocation: Sept. 14
November Deanery Convocation: Nov. 9
2022–23 Executive Committee
Robin Henke, President
Lilah Greene, Treasurer
Sandy Burnett, Secretary
Alex Slatoff, Webmaster
Alameda Deanery Convocation Minutes
June 9, 2022 meeting of the Alameda Deanery Via Zoom
President Robin Henke opened the meeting at 6 p.m.
The Rev. Mary Chang Ong gave the opening prayer.
The draft agenda and the minutes from March 10 were accepted.
Treasurer Lilah Green said the Deanery currently has a balance of $11,354 in its checking account. Invoices about dues for 2022 have been sent out to Deanery churches after dues were waived in 2020 and 2021 because of Covid. So far, $1150 has been received and another $1500 is due.
The Deanery decided at the March meeting to offer $5,000 in grants in both June and November since the grant program has been on hold. Lilah said she has received four applications for this round of grants. However, she had a question about whether two grants could be made for a project at St. Alban’s Church. Both the church and Calliope, an independent non-profit located at St. Alban’s, requested grants to help build a shared sign on the campus. Previously, the Deanery has approved restricting grant applications to one per parish. A straw poll concluded that the Calliope application fell within the protocol but the St. Alban’s request did not. Speakers said other churches had limited themselves to one application. Alex Slatoff moved that, based on our current protocol, only three grants are approved. There were 13 yes votes out of the 18 attendees. However, it was agreed that the protocol language is unclear. Lilah will draft a revised version with the help of Robin Henke, Teresa Conway and Dan Miller, for review at the next Deanery meeting. In addition to Calliope, grants were approved for Christ Church in Alameda and the Mission for the Homeless.
Vital and Thriving Congregations
The Rev. Scot Sherman gave a presentation on this program, which aims to help congregations be more sustainable as we emerge from the complications caused by the Covid pandemic. The program started last year in 15 pilot congregations with the intention of rolling it out to the rest of the Diocese next year. Several podcasts already have aired. Scott said the goal is to help congregations unlock their capacity to become Beloved Community where there’s justice and everyone is flourishing. There is seed funding for the three-year process. To learn more, visit Scot also can be reached at or 415 513 8555.
Regional deans
The Rev. Mauricio Wilson (St. Paul’s, Oakland)talked about the Diocesan request that each Deanery provide two or three nominees for this new position (in each deanery) by Sept. 15. Starting next year, regional deans will be appointed for three-year terms. Their general duties will include communication, leadership and collaboration, and clergy wellness and family support. The position includes a stipend.
Parish updates
— Brenda Paulin reminded everyone of the Juneteenth services and materials
— the Rev. Corrie Lassen asked for continued prayers for Molly and Liza
The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Actas de la Convocación del Deanato de Alameda
el 9 de Junio de 2022
(por Zoom)
La presidenta Robin Henke inició la reunión a las 6 de la tarde.
La Revda. Mary Chang Ong hizo la oración de apertura.
El trazo de la agenda y las Actas del Marzo 10 se aceptaron.
La Tesorera Lilah Green dijo que el Deanato actualmente tiene una balanza de $11,354 en sucuenta de cheques. Solicitudes sobre debidos para 2022 han sido enviado a las iglesias en el Deanato después de repudiar los en 2020 y 2021 como resultado de COVID. Hasta ahora $1,150 ha sido recibido y otro $1500 esta debido.
El Deanato decidió en la reunión en marzo ofrecer %5,000 en cesiones en ambos junio y noviembre porque el programa de cesiones ha sido suspendido. Lilah dijo que ella harecibido cuatro aplicaciones para este tiempo de cesiones. Todavía, ella tuvo una pregunta sobre si dos cesiones puede hacerse para un proyecto en la iglesia de San Alban. Ambos la iglesia y Calliope, una [agencia] no ganancia independiente ubicado en San Alban han pedido cesiones para ayudar un señal compartido en el campo. Previamente, el Deanato ha aprobado restringiendo aplicaciones para cesiones a uno por parroquia. Una encuesta de paja concluyó que la solicitud de Calliope estaba dentro del protocolo, pero la solicitud de St. Alban no lo hizo. Oradores dijeron otras iglesias habían limitado sus mismos a una aplicación. Alex Slatoff mocionó que, basado en nuestro prólogo, solamente tres cesiones se aprobaron. Fueron 13 votos que se, de los 18 presentes. Todavía, se acordó que el lenguaje del prólogo no está claro. Lilah preparará una versión revisada con la ayuda de Robin Henke, Teresa Conway, y Dan Miller para consideración en la reunión próxima del Deanato. En adición a Calliope, cesiones se aprobaron para la Iglesia Cristo en Alameda n a Misión para los sin hogares.
Congregaciones vitales y floreciendo
El Redo. Scott Sherman dío una presentación sobre este programa, que tiene a meta ayudar a las congregaciones estar más sostenible mientras salimos de la complicaciones causado por el pandemia COVID. El programa empezó el año pasado en 15 congregaciones pilotos con la intención de aplicarlo a las demás congregaciones e año próximo. Varias “podcasts” ya han sido diseminado. Scott dijo la meta es ayudar a congregaciones abrir su capacidad convertirse en la Comunidad Amada donde hay justicia y todos florecen.
Decanos regionales
El Redo. Mauricio Wilson (San Pablo, Oakland) habló sobre la solicitud diocesana que cada deanato provee dos o tres candidatos nombrados par esa posición nueva (en cada deanato) por el
15 de septiembre. Empezando el año próximo, decanos regionales se apuntaron para turnos de tres años. Sus deberes generales incluirá comunicación, liderazgo y colaboración, y bienestar de cleros y apoyo familiar. La posición incluye un estipendio.
Noticias parroquiales
— Brenda Paulin recordó todos de los servicios y materiales para “Juneteenth”
— el Redo. Corrie Lassen pidió oraciónes continuas para Molly y Liza.
La reunión terminó a las 7:25 p.m.
Oración de cierra: Reda. Corrie Lassen
7:39 p.m cierra
March 11, 2021
We briefly discussed the Executive Council report submitted by the Rev. Jon Owens (St. John's,
Oakland) and Bruce Morrow (All Souls, Berkeley). Brenda Paulin (St. Augustine's, Oakland)
updated the group vis a vis the Multicultural Ministry and Community Engagement Officer position.
Brenda serves on the search committee for that position and noted that the position has been withdrawn and will be replaced by a new position at the Canon level.
Robin Henke (Deanery secretary, St. Augustine's, Oakland) shared Deanery's current bank statement.
We had a balance of $9,379.20. Sandy noted that this balance does not include parish dues from 2020,
which we did not solicit given the pandemic. We also noted that we owed money to 2019 grantees and that we were verifying with grantees whether they were able to go ahead with the activities that were to be funded by the grant. We also noted that we had yet to receive our Diocesan allotment of funding, about $2700 for the year.
Deanery Positions to Fill
Sandy Burnett (Deanery president, St. Alban's, Albany) noted that we are quite desperate for a treasurer and that the position need not be filled by a Deanery delegate, i.e., any member of a
Deanery parish may serve as the treasurer, which is an appointed position. She invited the assembled to consider taking on this position (keeping a simple checkbook) or nominating someone for it.
We also have openings for a lay and clergy representative for the Diocesan nominating committee. Don Miller (St. Clement's, Berkeley) volunteered to be our lay representative.
We discussed the need to fill another seat on the Executive Council, which we thought needs to be filled now, but actually doesn't need to be filled until the end of this year when the Rev. Liz
Tichnor's term, which Bruce is completing, will expire. Lenore Williamson (All Souls, Berkeley) asked what the Executive Council does and Jan Robitscher (St. Mark's, Berkeley) asked what the time commitment is.
Don explained that the Executive Council is essentially the Diocesan Board of Directors—the group with fiduciary responsibility for the Diocese. The time commitment is usually 2-4 hours a month: 2 hours in a monthly meeting and additional time as needed on an ad hoc basis.
Although the Executive Council used to often meet in person at DioHouse, but went to Zoom because of the pandemic. After the pandemic is over, Zoom meetings will continue with the option to attend some meetings in person. Sandy noted that the Nominating Committee identifies people throughout the Diocese to serve in Diocesan positions.
Revisiting Deanery Grant Program and Parish Dues for 2020 and 2021
Sandy explained that we make grants in November, but did not make them in 2020 and had not yet paid the grantees from 2019. We're establishing who among the 2019 grantees were able to implement the programs for which they received the grants and distributing checks based on that information. Sandy described the grant program for new delegates (see protocol).
Sandy posed the question as to whether we should bill for dues for 2021, noting that most of the funding we get from parishes would fund grants that we'd distribute in November. Brenda asked what grants were approved in 2019, and Robin brought up the spreadsheet listing those grants. Carolyn George (Deanery
Vice President, St. John's, Oakland) noted that 2019 grants were $850, but the amount varies each year depending on how much money we have and how many grant applications we receive.
Sandy reiterated the question about whether we should ask for dues this year. Carolyn moved that we not ask for dues payments for 2021 in light of the pandemic, and Don seconded it. We noted that we don't know how parishes' dues have been calculated, all we have is a list of parishes in the Deanery and what their dues have been. We do know how the number of deanery delegates each parish is entitled to is determined, however, and Fr. Bruce O'Neill (St. Clement's, Berkeley) said that the dues amount is a function of the number of delegates. Brenda noted that some parishes may be in a position to pay their dues, so could we treat dues like Diocesan assessments and ask for dues but offer parishes the option of asking for relief if they're in financial difficulties. Sandy noted that the process of seeking and obtaining assessment relief is arduous, and Brenda said that we don't have to follow that process—we could just let parishes let us know if they have budget issues and dues would be a hardship. Carolyn modified her motion to say that we'll send dues notices with a notice that if parishes find dues a hardship, they can let us know and not pay them. Julie Holcomb (All Souls, Berkeley) seconded Carolyn's motion. After some discussion, the assembled voted in favor of the motion (14 in favor, 5 against). We will send dues notices after verifying that the amounts are correct.
We next discussed whether to continue the grant program. Lilah Greene (St. John's, Oakland) said that if we ask for dues, it's incumbent on us to offer grants as well, and moved that we continue the grants program. Bruce seconded that motion. The assembled voted for the motion (12 in favor, none against).
Furthering Internet Access Equity
Robin summarized our discussion about this at the November 2020 meeting and reported that the Diocesan Executive Council passed the resolution we suggested, creating a task force to address inequity in Internet access. Alexandra Slatoff (St. John's, Oakland) demonstrated the padlet on Deanery's website on which people can share ideas, resources, etc., vis a vis this problem.
We discussed efforts that our parishes have used to conduct services remotely and that other organizations (e.g., school districts) have used to facilitate Internet access. We also noted that there's a variety of problems: access to broadband, access to devices, facility with the internet and devices—one contribution to solving the problem would be creating a taxonomy of the challenges that an Internet-based society/economy poses for inclusion and the magnitude of those challenges.
To continue this work, we need people to represent our Deanery on the Diocesan task force and people (not necessarily the same people) to work on the problem at the Deanery level. Volunteers are welcome please contact a Deanery Executive Committee member if you're interested in volunteering, and also invite people in your parish to join the effort if they're interested.
Parish Updates
Bruce Morrow noted that All Souls is adding a third floor to their housing program and their food program continues under their deacon's leadership.
The Rev. Dr. Lois Williams (Christ the Lord, Pinole) reported that CtL is joining a program run by the
VA to support veterans by writing cards. Contact her for more information.
Brenda described St. Augustine's food distribution program on the 2nd
and 4th
Saturdays of each month.
Carolyn described St. John's sandwich-making and distribution program.
Dean Williamson (All Souls, Berkeley) adapted their jambalaya meal to serve it safely during the
pandemic, making it a to-go meal.
Sandy noted that St. Alban's has lost their Deacon the Rev. Dani Gabriel to the Diocese, but they have
hired the Rev. Izabella Sempari to be their back-up pastoral care leader.
The Rev. Dr. Lois Williams prayed us out.
Alameda Deanery Convocation Minutes
November 12, 2020
Carolyn George (Vice President, St. John's, Oakland) announced that if people had questions, we invited them to ask them through the Zoom chat. She opened the meeting with prayer at 6:00. Angela Pang (Church of Our Savior, Oakland) moved to accept the agenda, Fr. Bruce O'Neil (St. Clement's, Berkeley) seconded it. Greg Slatoff moved to accept the minutes from the September meeting, the financial report, and the executive committee report, and Linda Wong (Church of Our Savior) seconded that motion. Carolyn announced that we still need a treasurer and a second person on the nominating committee for the Diocese. Robin Henke (Secretary, St. Augustine's, Oakland) displayed the financial report on the screen because she had not sent it out in advance.
Tech Chaplaincy
Carolyn welcomed Shamika Goddard, the Head Tech Chaplain, to the meeting and introduced her to the group. Shamika explained what the Tech Chaplaincy offers. See to learn more about the service. To sign up for an appointment to get assistance, see The Rev. Jon Owens (Executive Council representative, St. John's, Oakland) praised the help St. John's has received from the Tech Chaplaincy. Shamika noted that Zoom's website offers video tutorials and documents that can help people use Zoom effectively. Brenda Paulin (St. Augustine's, Oakland) noted that Zoom provides daily webinars on how to use the application. Shamika reminded us to update Zoom regularly.
Deanery Food Ministries
Carolyn welcomed the Rev. Dani Gabriel (St. Alban's, Albany, and All Souls, Berkeley) to speak about food ministries in the deanery. The Rev. Dani shared what St. Alban's and All Souls are doing vis a vis food ministries. Parishioners in both parishes have made sandwiches and delivered them to homeless encampments. All Souls has converted its open-door dinner to provide take out meals. The Rev. Dani shared a short survey in the chat (see below) and invited deanery members to respond to these four questions via e-mail ( ).
1. What were your food programs before the pandemic?
2. Did you have to stop or change programming because of the pandemic?
3. If you had to stop or change programming because of the pandemic, where are you now? Have you restarted your programming, increased, or decreased?
4. What are ways you would like to collaborate with other congregations around food ministry in the future?
A number of representatives shared information about their parishes' food ministries:
Maggie Grover reported on St. Mark's (Berkeley) Hot Meals program, which has provided meals to-go outdoors instead of indoor hot meals during the pandemic. They've seen a decline in the number of guests at their meals since the pandemic began.
The Rev. Mauricio Wilson reported on the efforts of the Rev. Carolyn Bolton at St. Paul's, Oakland. Instead of allowing people to shop for groceries in their pantry, they pre-pack bags of food for guests. They've provided 2-3 bags for 40 people, and are also distributing meals to seniors. They provide bags every 2nd and 4th Sundays. They offer bags to clients whom they've already worked with.
The Rev. Liz Munoz reported on St. James's (Oakland) food pantry. They're working with their partner Guillermo of the Indigenous People's Garden (which is on St. James's property), who's contracted with organic farms to bring produce. The church provides nonperishables. Beginning in December, they'll hand out produce and pre-packed grocery bags on Fridays outdoors. She wanted to thank All Saints, San Leandro, for the money to buy a freezer to store perishable food.
Brenda Paulin reported on St. Augustine's food pantry, which distributes pre-packed grocery bags every 2nd and 4th Saturdays. They also offer masks to people who don't have masks. On the 14th, they planned to distribute 75 turkeys and grocery bags. Their population has changed from unhoused people in the neighborhood to low-income Asian seniors from elsewhere in Oakland.
St. John's parishioners pack sack lunches at home and deliver them to church, where volunteers pick them up and distribute them to unhoused people in Oakland.
The Rev. Merry Chang Ong reported that the Church of Our Savior, Oakland, can't do a food pantry, so instead, parishioners are cleaning closets and donating warm clothes to the Salvation Army.
The Rev. Dani noted that the Episcopal Impact Fund has been supporting their ministries and promised to report back on what she learns from her survey.
Carolyn invited attendees to revisit the approval of the financial report because it had not been available when we voted to approve earlier, but no one had a comment.
Revisiting Deanery Grant Program and Parish Dues for 2020 and 2021
Given parishes' tight finances, the executive committee wanted to raise the question of whether we should waive deanery dues for 2020 and 2021. Similarly, should we adapt our grant program because of the pandemic (which prevents parishes from carrying on with some of the programs that grants support)?
Robin noted that we hadn't received dues for 2020 because we hadn't asked for them. We thought suspending dues was a way to provide minimal relief to struggling parishes. Carolyn noticed that Sacred Space won't receive a grant because it's been suspended. Maggie Grover was in favor of allowing new applications for grants. Comments in chat indicated people wanted to reconsider this idea at our next meeting.
Discussion of Convention
Carolyn mentioned some technical difficulties with attending the convention by Zoom. The Rev. Liz noted that the lack of wi-fi service inhibits participation by many people. We discussed some of the issues that arose during the convention.
The Rev. Coryl Lassen noted that everyone who was involved in the Convention remained calm and good-tempered despite the technical problems. She wanted to appreciate how much that helped keep things moving.
Parish Updates
The Rev. Owens reported on St. John's bible study with Harriet Tubman on faith and servant leadership on November 21. Contact to learn more.
Jan Robitscher reported on St. Mark's second Sunday organ recital series: Evensong via Zoom at 3 pm, organ recital at 4 pm via Facebook Live and the St. Mark's website.
Robin noted that we've lost a lot but gained some things, e.g., people who can attend services from far away because of Zoom. The Rev. Coryl said the convention secretary reported that the Convention had more attendees than ever, probably because of remote attendance. On the other hand, the Rev. Liz noted that we're losing people in poor communities because they don't have wi-fi. Wi-fi, hardware, and translation services should be rights, not privileges, and without them we're going to become a whiter, wealthier, and smaller church. How do we reach to those communities that don't have the technology and services? The technological divide between rich and poor, white and people of color will continue when COVID-19 is over, and we need to deal with it.
Others shared work-arounds that some Bay Area parishes are using, and the Rev. Liz acknowledged them but noted that she is not interested in quick fixes. This is a justice issue for the long term that we need to address going forward if we want to grow and serve the wider community. She suggested that the Deanery ask the Diocese to address this issue, noting that the Church is concerned about people's need for food and should be equally concerned about people's access to essential technology. Jan Robitscher noted that these access issues apply to people with disabilities as well. Shamika noted that this could be an opportunity to bring Zoom, the Diocese, and people who need services together to brainstorm universal design to address this problem.
The assembled agreed to develop a multi-pronged approach to address the issue. The Rev. Jon Owens volunteered to offer a resolution on the need to address injustices in technology and access to the Diocesan Executive Council. The Rev. Coryl moved that we offer a resolution to the Executive Council, and the Rev. Liz seconded the motion. The assembled agreed unanimously to a resolution worded something like the following: We would like the Diocese to create a task force to address the issue of disenfanchment due to technology and figure out how do we pull in everyone who's now excluded because they don't have the technology or service. Jan Robitscher will also share this resolution with the Diocesan Task Force on Disability and Deaf Access.
The second prong will be a committee of interested folk across the deanery to address the issue on the ground: assess needs and work with a variety of people within and outside the Diocese to develop strategies for addressing them. Shamika said she'd be happy to participate in this effort. We can also reach out to other deaneries through the Deanery Coordinating Committee. Robin volunteered to put out a call for interested people in her post-meeting e-mail, and Rev. Liz volunteered to help organize once we have a list of people who are interested in working on the issue. Alexandra created and displayed a webpage on our site that includes a padlet for brainstorming about this issue:
The Rev. Bruce O'Neill prayed us out at 7:35 pm.
Alameda Deanery Convocation Minutes
June 11, 2020
Deanery President Sandy Burnett (St. Alban's, Albany) called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm, and the Rev. Dr.Mauricio Wilson (St. Paul's, Oakland) led us in prayer. The assembled agreed to accept the agenda for the meeting and the minutes from our November meeting. (The March meeting was cancelled due to the COVID-19 shelter-in-place order.) Sandy noted that we have no treasurer's report because we're still working out the details of beginning a new bank account.
We viewed on screen a document of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers for deanery members. Assembled members thought it was a useful document. It will be available on our website (discussed below).
Discussion of Regathering Guidelines and Plan Template
The Revs. Eric Metoyer and Jane McDougle and the Rev. Canon Abbott Bailey, all from the Diocese's COVID-19 teams, joined the meeting to answer members' questions regarding the Diocese's guidelines for regathering parishes and the template for developing a plan to regather. A video of this discussion is available here. The guidelines are available on the Diocesan website, and the Diocese has sent a draft of the plan template to clergy. When all the parishes in a deanery have submitted their plans, parishes in that deanery that are ready to regather or whose tenants are ready to resume meeting together may do so pending the instructions from their local authorities (cities, counties, state). In response to a question from the Rev. Dr. Lois Williams (Christ the Lord, Pinole), the group also discussed strategies for advertising virtual services and conducting outreach via Zoom, YouTube, etc., safely. We also discussed the challenges of Zoom church for low-income and/or Spanish-speaking parishioners. Both hardware (e.g., not having computers) and nonEnglish-language videoconferencing applications create barriers for some parishes to continue as communities during this health crisis. The conversation concluded with a discussion of Sacred Space and other feeding ministries during the pandemic.
Deanery Website
Alexandra Slatoff (St. John's, Oakland) provided the address for the website she has created for the Deanery ( Many in the group complemented on and thanked Alexandra for her work. Alex asked members to e-mail their suggestions, corrections, additional content, etc.
We agreed to record future Zoom meetings. We elected Sandy Burnett and Carolyn George to another 2-year term as Deanery President and Vice-President, respectively. We also elected the Rev. Jon Owens (St. John's, Oakland) to serve as the Deanery's clergy representative to the Diocesan Executive Council for the term running from 2020 through 2022. We voted to spend $200+ for better name for our website.
Executive Council Report (Bruce Morrow; submitted by e-mail and shared with delegates via e-mail earlier in the day)
- The Program & Budget Committee has been working on the new budget for the Diocese, reflecting the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. I believe our recommendations will soon be sent to the Executive Council for review. Once approved, the budget would be posted on the Diocal website.
- Based on information from the last few weeks, it appears that almost 45% of the congregations have applied for the PPP/SBA loans. Additionally, some congregations are planning to ask for Assessment Relief. Those reviews will be completed by the end of June and prepared for submittal to the Executive Council for consideration in the early fall.