Alameda Deanery Convocation Sept. 8, 2022


It all started wITH … An Agenda

Zoom Meeting ID: 510 593 7981


6:00 Welcome and Opening Prayer Robin Henke

6:05 Accept Agenda, including June 2022 Convocation Minutes, Financial Report and Diocesan Executive Council Report

6:10 presentation, Ian Storer

6:40 New draft of Deanery Grant protocol — Lilah Greene, Teresa Conway, Don Miller, Robin Henke

7:00 Parish check-ins

7:10 Optional time for discussing resolutions and nominations for offices on which we will vote at the October convention

7:45 Closing prayer

*Please submit your questions via the Zoom chat or by texting 510-593-7981

2022/23 Deanery Events

Diocesan Convention: October 28-29

November Deanery Convocation: Nov. 10

March Deanery Convocation: March 9, 2023

June Deanery Convocation: June 8, 2023

2022–23 Executive Committee Robin Henke President Lilah Greene Treasurer Sandy Burnett Secretary Alex Slatoff Webmaster Website:

Meeting Minutes from the June 9, 2022 meeting of the Alameda Deanery Via Zoom

President Robin Henke opened the meeting at 6 p.m.

The Rev. Mary Chang Ong gave the opening prayer.

The draft agenda and the minutes from March 10 were accepted.


Treasurer Lilah Green said the Deanery currently has a balance of $11,354 in its checking account. Invoices about dues for 2022 have been sent out to Deanery churches after dues were waived in 2020 and 2021 because of Covid. So far, $1150 has been received and another $1500 is due.


The Deanery decided at the March meeting to offer $5,000 in grants in both June and November since the grant program has been on hold. Lilah said she has received four applications for this round of grants. However, she had a question about whether two grants could be made for a project at St. Alban’s Church. Both the church and Calliope, an independent non-profit located at St. Alban’s, requested grants to help build a shared sign on the campus. Previously, the Deanery has approved restricting grant applications to one per parish. A straw poll concluded that the Calliope application fell within the protocol but the St. Alban’s request did not. Speakers said other churches had limited themselves to one application. Alex Slatoff moved that, based on our current protocol, only three grants are approved. There were 13 yes votes out of the 18 attendees. However, it was agreed that the protocol language is unclear. Lilah will draft a revised version with the help of Robin Henke, Teresa Conway and Dan Miller, for review at the next Deanery meeting. In addition to Calliope, grants were approved for Christ Church in Alameda and the Mission for the Homeless.

Vital and Thriving Congregations

The Rev. Scot Sherman gave a presentation on this program, which aims to help congregations be more sustainable as we emerge from the complications caused by the Covid pandemic. The program started last year in 15 pilot congregations with the intention of rolling it out to the rest of the Diocese next year. Several podcasts already have aired. Scott said the goal is to help congregations unlock their capacity to become Beloved Community where there’s justice and everyone is flourishing.There is seed funding for the three-year process. To learn more, visit Scot also can be reached at or 415 513 8555.

Regional deans

The Rev. Mauricio Wilson (St. Paul’s, Oakland)talked about the Diocesan request that each Deanery provide two or three nominees for this new position (in each deanery) by Sept. 15. Starting next year, regional deans will be appointed for three-year terms. Their general duties will include communication, leadership and collaboration, and clergy wellness and family support. The position includes a stipend.

Parish updates

— Brenda Paulin reminded everyone of the Juneteenth services and materials — the Rev. Corrie Lassen asked for continued prayers for Molly and Liza The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Actas de la Convocación del Deanato de Alameda

el 9 de Junio de 2022

(por Zoom)

La presidenta Robin Henke inició la reunión a las 6 de la tarde.

La Revda. Mary Chang Ong hizo la oración de apertura.

El trazo de la agenda y las Actas del Marzo 10 se aceptaron.


La Tesorera Lilah Green dijo que el Deanato actualmente tiene una balanza de $11,354 en su cuenta de cheques. Solicitudes sobre debidos para 2022 han sido enviado a las iglesias en el

Deanato después de repudiar los en 2020 y 2021 como resultado de COVID. Hasta ahora $1,150 ha sido recibido y otro $1500 esta debido.


El Deanato decidió en la reunión en marzo ofrecer %5,000 en cesiones en ambos junio y noviembre porque el programa de cesiones ha sido suspendido. Lilah dijo que ella harecibido cuatro aplicaciones para este tiempo de cesiones. Todavía, ella tuvo una pregunta sobre si dos cesiones puede hacerse para un proyecto en la iglesia de San Alban. Ambos la iglesia y Calliope, una [agencia] no ganancia independiente ubicado en San Alban han pedido cesiones para ayuda run señal compartido en el campo. Previamente, el Deanato ha aprobado restringiendo aplicaciones para cesiones a uno por parroquia. Una encuesta de paja concluyó que la solicitud de Calliope estaba dentro del protocolo, pero la solicitud de St. Alban no lo hizo. Oradores dijeron otras iglesias habían limitado sus mismos a una aplicación. Alex Slatoff mocionó que, basado en nuestro prólogo, solamente tres cesiones se aprobaron. Fueron 13 votos que se, de los 18 presentes. Todavía, se acordó que el lenguaje del prólogo no está claro. Lilah preparará una versión revisada con la ayuda de Robin Henke, Teresa Conway, y Dan Miller para consideración en la reunión próxima del Deanato. En adición a Calliope, cesiones se aprobaron para la Iglesia Cristo en Alameda n a Misión para los sin hogares.

Congregaciones vitales y floreciendo

El Redo. Scott Sherman dío una presentación sobre este programa, que tiene a meta ayudar a las congregaciones estar más sostenible mientras salimos de la complicaciones causado por el pandemia COVID. El programa empezó el año pasado en 15 congregaciones pilotos con la intención de aplicarlo a las demás congregaciones e año próximo. Varias “podcasts” ya han sido diseminado. Scott dijo la meta es ayudar a congregaciones abrir su capacidad convertirse en la Comunidad Amada donde hay justicia y todos florecen.

Decanos regionales

El Redo. Mauricio Wilson (San Pablo, Oakland) habló sobre la solicitud diocesana que cada deanato provee dos o tres candidatos nombrados par esa posición nueva (en cada deanato) por el 15 de septiembre. Empezando el año próximo, decanos regionales se apuntaron para turnos de tres años. Sus deberes generales incluirá comunicación, liderazgo y colaboración, y bienestar de cleros y apoyo familiar. La posición incluye un estipendio.

Noticias parroquiales

— Brenda Paulin recordó todos de los servicios y materiales para “Juneteenth”

— el Redo. Corrie Lassen pidió oraciónes continuas para Molly y Liza.

La reunión terminó a las 7:25 p.m.

Oración de cierra: Reda. Corrie Lassen

7:39 p.m cierra

Alameda Deanery

Grant Request Protocol

Fall 2022

Because no grants were approved during the pandemic, Alameda Deanery has elected to have two grant offerings in 2022. The total available funds for each 2022 grant season is $5,000.

Each year the Alameda Deanery distributes grant funds to parishes or nonprofit institutions that support or is supported by an active ministry of a deanery parish. Ministries may serve the parish (in reach) or people outside the parish (outreach). The deanery funds all accepted and approved requests equally to the extent of the available funds. Funds are limited, however, and therefore each ministry is eligible to receive only one grant per calendar year.

In order to be considered, all grant requests must meet the following conditions:

1) Grant requests must be from a member parish or nonprofit organization located within the Alameda Deanery.

2) Grant requests shall include the following information:

a) How the grantee will use the funds and the mission outreach being supported,

b) The person or entity to whom/which we should make out the check, and

c) The address to which we should mail the check.

3) Grant requests must be submitted by November 1 for the fall grant season. No late requests will be considered. Please submit grant requests to the treasurer of the Deanery by e-mail to or by U.S. mail to

Lilah Greene

13450 Skyline Blvd.

Oakland, CA 94619

Grant requests will be presented for Deanery approval at the June 9 and November 10, 2022,

Convocations. Grantees will receive funds following approval at these meetings.

4) All grant recipients must provide a brief report on how the grant funds were used and the outcomes achieved by November 1 of the following year (November 1, 2023). Grantees who do not submit reports will not be considered for future grants. Grantees may submit reports by U.S. mail or e-mail to the treasurer at the addresses given above.

Finance report: Year-to-date activity:

In March of 2022, I reported that we had $9,475.45 in our bank account.

Since then, we have issued calls for dues from our 13 members. The total requested was based

on the formula that basic dues of $150 covered 2 delegates and that for each additional

delegate the dues should increase by $50. The total dues billed was $2,650; so far we have

collected $2,100 from member parishes with only 3 parishes outstanding as of today.

We have received 3 of 4 2022 installments of Diocesan contributions.

As decided in the June meeting, three grant checks of $1,666.67 were issued and have cleared

the bank account. The current balance in the checking account is thus $8,033.94.

Through Year-end, we anticipate one more Diocesan contribution of $729.25 and collecting remaining outstanding dues of $550. With a $5,000 grant protocol for the second half of the 2022 year, we would anticipate ending 2022 with $4,313.19 in the bank account.

Respectfully submitted,

Lilah Greene

Treasurer, Alameda Deanery

Member St. John’s EC in Oakland.