St. Augustine's, Oakland


St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church

“If you desire to praise him, then live what you express.Live good lives, and you yourselves will be his praise.”
- St. Augustine

 Mission Statement

St. Augustine says “If you desire to praise him, then live what you express. Live good lives and you yourselves will be his praise.”Our mission at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, Oakland, California, is to grow God’s church and serve God’s people in our worship, which reflects the richness of the African American culture, and through educational and outreach programs to the community. We welcome all who wish to join us in witness to God’s love, empowerment and mercy.

Who we are...

We are a warm and welcoming diverse multi-racial congregation of approximately 130 members with a proud Afro-Anglican heritage and history. Our liturgy and music draw from African-American and traditional Anglican sources. Our parishioners include natives of the San Francisco Bay Area, other regions of the United States, Africa, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. We are a welcoming community, open to rich and poor, varying education level, suburban and urban, people of all races, young and old, gay and straight. We feed the hungry and work for justice and peace. Over the years we have become a geographically diverse congregation, and thus a commuter church. We are an aging and therefore decreasing congregation which needs to grow especially by engaging younger people and families. (Our demographics are found on page 10.)Our beautiful red wooden church is the pride of the neighborhood which is adjacent to downtown Oakland. Designed and built in the 1890’s, St. Augustine’s is one of the few examples of Carpenter Gothic church architecture remaining in the Bay Area. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and seats 200. We also have a parish hall, Sunday school meeting space and a small office building....