Christ Church, Alameda
Christ Church , Alameda
We try to. Through our Social Justice Ministry Christ Church adopts 12 causes each year. We give the whole of our plate collection in church to these causes, we educate ourselves on the cause, and we look for volunteer service opportunities with these causes. Recent organizations we’ve supported include: domestic violence awareness and education, the East Bay Community Law Center, Cease Fire Oakland, the Alameda Point Collaborative, programs that support foster youth and ex-convicts, and a range of food security issues.Additionally, our Welcoming ministry tries to spread the work that everyone is welcome to come to Christ Church just as they are. Our Pastoral Care ministry helps take care of folks inside and outside of the church in meeting spiritual, emotional and physical challenges. Our Parish Life ministry creates opportunities for new and old friends to bond and learn from each other. Adult Spiritual Formation helps pass on the great traditions of our church to adults, and our Children and Youth Ministry passes on that tradition and our values to our young people.
Please Join Us for Sunday Worship!
At Christ Episcopal Church we believe God calls everyone into relationship. All are welcome here, so come as you are. Through God’s presence in the bread and wine of communion, in the Bible and the richness of our tradition, and through God’s presence in each other, we seek transformation. In turn, we go into the world to transform it by loving our neighbors, feeding those who hunger and advocating for justice. We warmly invite you to join us for worship at Christ Church.
8:00 am Holy Communion (Contemplative, Spoken)
10:15 am Holy Communion with Music & Hymns
Childcare available 9:30 am to 12:00 pm (9:00 am on 2nd Sundays for the Social Justice Forum.)