Resolution #2: Adding Mary Oliver to Lesser Feasts and Fasts


Resolution #2: Adding Mary Oliver to Lesser Feasts and Fasts

Secretary of the Convention

Last Update: June 9th, 2021
Status: In Review by the Committee on Resolutions

ResolvedThat the 172nd Convention of the Diocese of California recognizes the poetic treasures and prophetic witness of Mary Jane Oliver, Episcopalian, American poet and lover of all of God’s Creation, whose poetry is frequently used in Episcopal services throughout the Episcopal Church and whose feast day is locally commemorated by institutions of the diocese; 

ResolvedThat the 172nd Convention of the Diocese of California recommends that Mary Oliver, Poet, be considered by the 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church for inclusion in the Calendar of Lesser Feasts and Fasts; and

Resolved, That the 172nd Convention of the Diocese of California asks our diocesan deputation for General Convention to craft a resolution to submit to General Convention as a “D” deputy resolution.

Mary Oliver’s feast day is commemorated locally by All Saints Episcopal Church, San Leandro, and her feast day is observed by the Communion of the Mystic Rose, a monastic order sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of California and led by the Rev. Br. Brendan E. Williams, and well as throughout the Holy Hikes network of more than 20 hiking ministries. Oliver was a faithful Episcopalian, and her legacy of word magnifies our place in the family of God’s creation. Her poetry and prose have been used for years in liturgies throughout the Diocese of California and congregations throughout The Episcopal Church. The following biographical testimony, published upon her death on Episcopal Café, witnesses to her spiritual legacy: The Life of Mary Oliver,

This resolution was patterned after passed resolutions by the Diocese of Vermont and New York.

Submitted by
The Rev. Justin R. Cannon, Rector, All Saints, San Leandro and Director, Holy Hikes

Endorsed by 
The Rev. Michael P. Barham, Vicar, Holy Family, Half Moon Bay, Good Shepherd, Belmont
The Rev. Pam Jester, Deacon, All Saints, San Leandro
The Rev. Pamela Cranston, Pastoral Associate, Holy Cross Episcopal Church, Castro Valley
The Rev. Ron Culmer, Rector, St. Clare’s, Pleasanton
The Rev. Mark Spaulding, Rector, Holy Cross, Castro Valley

(provided as a resource/template for the diocesan deputation)

The Celebration of the life and work of Mary Oliver, Poet

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That this 80th General Convention recognize Mary Jane Oliver, Poet, and her legacy of word which magnifies our place in the family of God’s creation, and as a Servant of God by adding her to the calendar of Lesser Feasts and Fasts (or such other calendar as may be adopted for the use of The Episcopal Church) with the following text and propers:

Mary Oliver, Poet.

Suggested dates of commemoration: January 17 (death) or September 10 (birth)


God of dirt, we thank thee for the life and written word of Mary Jane Oliver, a bride married to amazement. We give thee thanks for her prolific writing that has opened our hearts to the whimsy and wonder of thy creation and unveiled the improbable beauty present in all thy works. Give us gentleness and grace to see this world through her eyes that we may believe again in kindness, mischief, and singing, to the glory of thy Name, through Jesus Christ, who with thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

God of dirt, we thank you for the life and written word of Mary Jane Oliver, a bride married to amazement. We give you thanks for her prolific writing that has opened our hearts to the whimsy and wonder of your creation and unveiled the improbable beauty present in all your works. Give us gentleness and grace to see this world through her eyes that we may believe again in kindness, mischief, and singing, to the glory of your Name, through Jesus Christ, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


Job 39:1-8,26-27
Romans 8:18-27
Matthew 6:25-34
Psalm 104:10-24


It is the normal expectation of Lesser Feasts and Fasts that at least two generations will have passed before someone is included on the calendar. In proposing this resolution, we are proposing to waive that requirement in the case of this individual, recognizing that she is already very widely commemorated within the Episcopal Church with congregations using her poetry for readings during various offices and special worship occasions and with local commemoration celebrated in the Diocese of California on the date her passing, January 17.